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How to Become A Reseller: A Beginner’s Guide to Make Money Online

Did you know that global spending on digital products is expected to surge over $135 billion by 2024? This isn’t merely a statistic but a beacon for anyone eager to carve out their niche in the dynamic world of digital reselling. You don’t have to manufacture your own products to start your business. Instead, you can become a reseller without starting from square one.

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Digital reselling involves buying or creating digital products, such as captivating eBooks, insightful courses, innovative software, and more, and then selling them to buyers worldwide. But what’s the charm of this business? It seamlessly integrates into your life, whether you’re a creative soul crafting content from a sunlit café or a strategic thinker orchestrating sales from a quiet home office.

In this guide, we will embark on a step-by-step adventure to build your digital reselling empire. Along the way, we’ll unlock the secrets to exceptional customer service and strategic marketing.

What is a reseller?

Being a reseller is like being a product matchmaker! You buy items (new or used) at a good price and then connect them with new customers for a profit. This can be done online, in stores or via consignment shops. It’s a popular way to start a business because you don’t need to make your own products. 

But in today’s digital age, the demand for reselling digital products is higher than ever! Any individual, entrepreneur, or business owner, small or big, is constantly looking for digital resources that can help them earn money online or grow their business. And there are tons of products and ideas online that you can incorporate into your reselling business.

So, are you ready to turn your digital aspirations into tangible success? Let’s embark on this journey together!

Understanding the digital reseller business model

Understanding the digital reseller business model

What exactly is digital reselling?

 It’s an innovative way to be at the forefront of the digital economy without creating products from scratch. Instead, you buy or create digital goods and sell them to a global audience eager for quality content. Let’s delve into this dynamic business model.

Learn How to Earn £100K/Year by Reselling Digital Products.

What digital resell business involves:

At its core, digital reselling means purchasing or producing digital products, like eBooks brimming with knowledge, courses packed with expertise, software solving real-world problems, and captivating stock photos. You then sell these treasures to people all over the world.

Why it’s a smart move:

  • Flexibility: Digital reselling adapts seamlessly to your lifestyle. Work from anywhere, at any time, no physical inventory required, a fact highlighted by a staggering 70% of digital entrepreneurs enjoying a flexible work setup (Source: Lenovo).
  • Scalability: Start small and grow expansively. As Forbes notes, the digital market allows for rapid scaling as your audience expands—along with your product line and profits.
  • Low overhead: Without the need for a physical store or large teams, your operational costs remain minimal, maximising profit margins.

Types of digital products you can sell as a reseller:

  • eBooks: From self-help to specialised technical guides, eBooks offer knowledge at the click of a button. Consider partnering with authors or using platforms like Smashwords to source content.
  • Online courses: Share skills and expertise through comprehensive video or text-based courses. With the eLearning market projected to reach $375 billion by 2026 (Research and Markets), there’s immense potential here.
  • Software and Apps: Address common problems with tools and applications that enhance productivity. Look for opportunities in areas like productivity, health, and education.
  • Stock photography and graphics: Beautify digital spaces with high-quality visual content. Platforms like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock are great sources to begin with.

This business model isn’t just about selling; it’s about creating value and connecting with customers who seek what you have to offer. Ready to find your niche in this vast digital landscape? Continue reading to discover how to choose the right niche and source these digital gems to maximise your success. Explore our courses on Online Business Ideas to enhance your skills and get started today!

How to choose your niche for reseller business?

Embarking on a digital reselling journey without a clear niche is like navigating a vast ocean without a compass. Your niche is your guide, leading you to the right audience and setting the foundation for your business success. Let’s explore how to pinpoint the perfect niche and how Janet’s Reselling Program fits into this strategy.

Why niche selection matters in reseller business:

A well-chosen niche ensures you focus your marketing efforts and product selection on a specific audience, increasing your chances of success. Hubspot research shows companies with targeted landing pages convert at a 4.9% rate, while generic landing pages convert at a 2.35% rate.

How to choose niches for your reseller business?

  • Assess your interests and expertise: Align your niche with your passions and knowledge. This alignment not only keeps you motivated but also lends authenticity to your business.
  • Research market demand: Use tools like Google Trends and social media analytics to identify what people are searching for and discussing online. This can reveal untapped market opportunities.
  • Analyse competitors: Look at successful digital resellers in your field. What are they doing right? How can you differentiate yourself? Remember, a little competition is a sign of a healthy market.

Examples of successful niches for reseller business:

  • Health and wellness eBooks: With a growing focus on health, eBooks on nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being are in high demand.
  • Tech skill courses: As technology evolves, there’s a constant need for updated courses on programming, web development, and cybersecurity. Janets’ reselling programme includes these and more, allowing you to meet the ever-growing demand. 
  • Creative assets: From templates for web design to presets for photographers, creative assets are a hot commodity among professionals and hobbyists alike.

Choosing the right niche is about blending market opportunities with your unique strengths. As you refine your niche, remember that flexibility and continuous learning are key to adapting to market changes.

To learn more about market research techniques and how to sharpen your niche selection skills to set a strong foundation for resell business, you can enrol in Janets’ Digital Marketing For Business course.

  • Skills and expertise you need for a creative career at the forefront of new marketing forms
  • Blogging, search engine optimisation, marketing through social media, creating email marketing materials, and more.
  • Broader transferrable abilities in project management, leading teams, and business and office administration.
  • Complete mastery over marketing through Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, affiliate marketing, developing niche websites, and optimising your digital marketing materials according to SEO best practice.

After finishing this course, various job opportunities will be available to you in the following positions:

  • Reseller
  • Sales Negotiator
  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Administration Assistant
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Manager

The Digital Marketing for Business course is available to learners of all academic backgrounds, but you must be 16 or above to undertake the qualification.

Apart from that, all you need is an internet connection, a good understanding of English and a passion for learning.

Where to source your digital products for reseller business?

Once you’ve honed in on your niche, the next exciting step is sourcing the digital products that will form the backbone of your reselling empire. Whether you create these products yourself or acquire them from others, each choice shapes your brand and your connection with customers. Let’s delve into how to effectively source your digital treasures.

Marketplaces and direct agreements:

  • Digital marketplaces: Platforms like Envato, Creative Market, and Gumroad are treasure troves for resellers. They offer everything from software to graphic templates and eBooks. For instance, Envato reported over $1 billion in community earnings, showcasing the vibrant potential of digital marketplaces.
  • Direct Agreements with Creators: Partnering directly with creators can lead to unique offerings and better profit margins. Reach out to authors, software developers, or graphic designers who might be interested in expanding their reach through your platform.

Creating Your Own Products for reseller business:

If you have a knack for creation, developing your own digital products can be immensely rewarding. This approach allows complete control over quality and branding.

  • eBooks: Share your expertise or collaborate with experts to create eBooks that address specific needs within your niche.
  • Online courses: Utilise platforms like Teachable or Udemy to create and host courses, leveraging your knowledge or partnering with industry professionals. Alternatively, Janets’ reselling program offers you ready-made, professionally developed courses across various fields, allowing you to focus on sales only.
  • Software and tools: If you have technical skills, developing apps or tools that solve common problems can be a lucrative path.

Understanding the licensing and copyrights associated with digital products is crucial. Ensure you have the right to resell any product you acquire. This may involve negotiating resell rights or adhering to specific licence terms to avoid legal pitfalls. Check out our courses on Business Law for insights into developing your own high-quality products and navigating the complexities of licensing.

How to set up your online store for reseller business?

With your niche defined and your digital products sourced, the next crucial step is to establish your online storefront. This is where your customers will interact with your brand, browse your products, and make their purchases. Let’s explore how to set up a user-friendly, effective online store that captivates and converts.

Choosing the right platform:

  • Your Own Website: Using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce on WordPress allows for complete customisation and control. Shopify reported that its merchants collectively made over $5.1 billion during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, highlighting the robust potential of having your own e-commerce site.
  • Marketplaces: Platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Amazon provide built-in audiences and simplified setups. While they offer less customisation, the ease of use and access to large markets can jump-start your sales.

Building your online store:

  • Design: Ensure your website or store page is visually appealing and reflects your brand identity. Use clean layouts, high-quality images, and intuitive navigation.
  • Product Listings: Create detailed, engaging product descriptions. Include clear pricing, benefits, and any customer reviews or testimonials to build credibility.
  • Payment and Security: Implement reliable payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Square to make transactions smooth and secure. Always prioritise SSL certificates to protect customer data.

Presentation tips:

  • Consistency: Keep your design and messaging consistent across all pages to strengthen your brand.
  • Engagement: Use interactive elements like videos, FAQs, and live chat to enhance user engagement and provide support.
  • Mobile Optimisation: According to Statista, as of Q1 2023, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 58.67% of global website traffic.

Discover How to Optimise Your Online Store with our comprehensive guide to e-commerce success.

How to price and market your products for reselling?

Pricing strategies:

  • Cost-Based Pricing: Determine the base cost of each product, including sourcing or creation costs, and add a margin to ensure profitability.
  • Value-Based Pricing: Set prices based on the perceived value to the customer. For instance, an exclusive course offering unique insights can command a premium price.
  • Competitive Analysis: Look at similar products in the market. Adjust your prices to stay competitive without undervaluing your offerings.

Marketing overview:

Effective marketing transforms your digital reselling business from a hidden gem into a sought-after brand. Here’s how to put your products in the spotlight:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Enhance your website’s visibility by optimising for relevant keywords. A study by HubSpot indicates that 61% of marketers rank SEO as a top inbound marketing priority.
  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content like blogs, videos, or infographics that attract and engage your target audience. For example, tutorials using your products can showcase their benefits and drive sales.
  • Social Media Marketing: Utilise platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to connect with your audience. Share product updates, customer testimonials, and engaging posts to build a community around your brand.
  • Email Marketing: Build a mailing list and keep your subscribers informed with newsletters, exclusive offers, and product launches. You can achieve an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent, making it one of the most effective tools in your arsenal.

By carefully pricing your products and employing a robust marketing strategy, you set the stage for sustainable growth and success. Learn more about Effective Digital Marketing Strategies to boost your visibility and sales in the competitive digital marketplace.

How to deliver excellent customer service in the reseller business?

Now that your products are priced and your marketing strategies are in motion, it’s time to focus on a cornerstone of business success: customer service. Exceptional customer service not only resolves issues but also builds trust and loyalty, turning one-time buyers into lifelong fans. Let’s explore how to elevate your customer service to new heights.

The power of empathy and efficiency:

Empathy in Action: Picture a customer who encounters a glitch while downloading your product. When they reach out, they’re met not just with solutions but with understanding. This empathetic approach, as reported by Forbes, can lead to a 70% increase in customer loyalty.

Building a robust customer service framework:

  • Leverage Technology: Utilise tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk to streamline support tickets and manage responses efficiently.
  • Interactive FAQ Section: Develop an FAQ section that’s not just informative but interactive. Allow customers to submit their questions if they don’t find the answers they need.
  • Solicit and Implement Feedback: Use surveys and feedback forms to understand how your service can be improved. Real changes based on customer input can transform the overall experience.

Tips for handling customer issues:

  • Speed Matters: In our fast-paced world, quick responses are not just appreciated, they’re expected. Aim to respond to customer inquiries within hours, if not minutes. This promptness can be the difference between a satisfied customer and a lost one.
  • Clear Communication: When solving problems, use straightforward language and step-by-step guidance. Remember, not everyone is tech-savvy, and clear instructions can prevent further confusion.
  • Consistency Across Channels: Whether a customer contacts you via email, social media, or live chat, the quality and tone of your service should be consistent. This uniformity reinforces your brand’s reliability and professionalism.

In delivering excellent customer service, every interaction is an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s commitment to quality and care. By focusing on empathy, efficiency, and continuous improvement, you create a service culture that turns customers into advocates.

You can learn how to Transform Customer Service into Customer Success with our exclusive Customer Service Courses.

How to analyse and adapt to the reselling business?

After ensuring your customer service is top-notch, the next pivotal step in your digital reselling journey is to harness the power of analytics and adaptability. Think of this as a superpower. This approach ensures that your business not only survives but thrives in the ever-changing digital marketplace. Let’s explore how to effectively analyse and adapt for continual growth.

Strategies for effective adaptation:

  • Regular performance reviews: Set a routine, whether weekly or monthly, to review key metrics like sales, customer engagement, and website traffic. This habit ensures you’re always aware of how your business is performing.
  • Customer feedback loops: Actively seek and respond to customer feedback. A study by Microsoft found that 77% of consumers view brands more favourably if they proactively invite and accept customer feedback.
  • A/B testing: Use A/B testing to experiment with different product descriptions, pricing strategies, or marketing messages. This approach helps you refine what works best for your audience.

Navigating change:

  • Stay agile: In a market where trends can shift overnight, agility is your greatest asset. Be ready to pivot your strategies based on the insights gathered from your data and feedback.
  • Continuous learning: Invest in learning new market trends, technologies, and customer behaviour patterns. This ongoing education keeps your business relevant and competitive.
  • Collaborate and innovate: Encourage ideas and suggestions from your team or network. Collaboration often sparks the innovation needed to adapt and thrive in evolving markets.

This proactive approach not only safeguards your business but also positions it for sustained growth and success.You can learn more about leveraging analytics for business growth Janets’ analytics courses designed to enhance your analytical skills.

How to scale your resell business?

Having refined your approach through careful analysis and adaptation, you’re now poised to scale your digital reselling business. Scaling is like expanding the sails on your ship, catching more wind to accelerate your journey towards greater success. This phase is about broadening your reach, enhancing your offerings, and strengthening your operational efficiency. 

Let’s navigate the strategies that can transform your business from a thriving enterprise into a vast digital empire.

Strategies for expanding your reach in resell business:

  • Broaden your product line: Introduce new products that complement your existing offerings. For instance, if you sell online courses on programming, consider adding eBooks or tools for developers. This approach can increase your average order value and attract a wider customer base.
  • Geographic expansion: Start selling to customers in new regions or countries. According to a Shopify report, businesses that sell internationally are likely to grow 60% faster than those that sell domestically alone.
  • Partnerships and collaborations: Forge partnerships with other digital creators or platforms to expand your reach. These collaborations can lead to cross-promotions and shared customer bases, amplifying your market presence.

How to enhance the operational efficiency of your reselling business?

  • Automation tools: Invest in automation tools for marketing, customer service, and order processing. Automating routine tasks not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors, ensuring a smoother operation. Tools like HubSpot or Salesforce can streamline multiple business processes efficiently.
  • Building a team: As your business grows, consider building a team to handle specialised roles like marketing, customer support, and product development. A dedicated team can bring fresh ideas and help manage the increased workload.

How to maintain quality and consistency in the reseller business?

  • Continuous quality control: As you scale, maintain a sharp focus on the quality of your products and customer service. Regular audits and customer feedback loops are vital to ensure that your business standards remain high, no matter the scale.
  • Consistent branding: Ensure that your brand messaging remains consistent across all channels and new markets. Strong, unified branding helps reinforce customer trust and enhances your business’s reputation.

By strategically scaling your business and enhancing your operational efficiency, you transform potential into growth and growth into leadership in the digital reselling market.

Explore our Advanced Strategies for scaling your digital business and take the next big leap towards expanding your digital empire. 

Additional considerations for resellers

As you embark on scaling your digital reseller business, there are additional factors that, while not the main sail, act as the rudder guiding your ship through complex waters. These considerations encompass the legal, ethical, and innovative aspects of your business that ensure not just growth but sustainable and responsible expansion. Let’s explore these key areas that deserve your attention.

  • Navigating legal waters: Understand the legalities of digital reselling, including copyright laws and reseller agreements. For instance, in the U.K., copyright compliance can impact your operations significantly, as non-compliance can lead to hefty fines or legal disputes.
  • Tax obligations: Keep abreast of tax regulations in every market you operate. Tools like Avalara or TaxJar can help simplify tax compliance, especially if you’re selling across borders.

Security strategy to protect your reseller business

  • Data protection: As you gather more customer data, the responsibility to protect this information grows. Implement robust cybersecurity measures and adhere to regulations like GDPR or CCPA to ensure customer data privacy and security.
  • Secure transactions: Use trusted payment gateways and maintain SSL certificates to secure customer transactions and build trust.

Feedback and improvement:

  • Act on customer insights: Regularly collect and analyse customer feedback to refine your products and services. This practice not only improves customer satisfaction but also informs product development and marketing strategies.
  • Continuous improvement culture: Foster an environment where feedback from all stakeholders is valued and used to drive continuous improvement in every aspect of the business.

Networking and Partnership opportunities in reseller business:

  • Building strategic alliances: Engage with other businesses and professionals in your industry. Networking can lead to partnerships that offer mutual benefits, such as shared marketing efforts or co-developed products.
  • Community engagement: Participate in forums, webinars, and conferences to stay connected with industry trends and customer needs.

How to maintain sustainability and ethics in the reseller business:

  • Ethical sourcing: Ensure that all digital products are sourced or created ethically, respecting intellectual property rights and creator agreements.
  • Promote sustainability: Highlight any efforts your business makes towards sustainability, whether through eco-friendly practices or supporting digital products that promote environmental awareness.

By considering these additional aspects, you ensure that your digital reselling empire is not only successful but also respected, secure, and prepared for the future.

Learn more about navigating the complexities of digital reselling with our comprehensive courses on compliance and risk management.

Janet’s ‘Become our Reseller’ programme

You’ve journeyed through the essentials of digital reseller. Now, it’s time to apply these insights and turn your network into a goldmine (of knowledge and income)!

No upfront investment? No problem! Jump aboard Janet’s Become our Reseller page and become a reseller of digital products. Janets has a vast inventory of 3000+ courses, which you can resell and build your own digital reselling empire!

Why you should become a reseller of Janets’ online courses

  • Bring in new customers to grow your business: Janet handles course creation, marketing, and sales. You simply have to share these top-notch courses with your amazing community and reap the rewards!
  • Earn Up to £100k per Year: Put your network to work and connect learners with life-changing knowledge. With dedication, a significant annual income awaits!
  • Become a Knowledge Crusader: Spread education and empower your community with valuable skills. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Hence, don’t delay! Join Janet’s Course Reselling Programme today! Empower yourself, empower your community, and start profiting from your connections!

Click the link below to learn more about the partnership opportunities with Janets.

Register Now and Become our Reseller!

Click the link below to learn more about the partnership opportunities with Janets.


Congratulations on navigating through the essential steps to launch and grow your digital reselling empire! From understanding the dynamic nature of digital reselling to strategically scaling your business, you’ve equipped yourself with all the crucial knowledge to thrive in this exciting market.

But please don’t stop here. Continue to learn, innovate, and adapt. The digital world is ever-evolving, and so should your approach. Stay connected with your audience, remain open to feedback, and keep your eyes on the horizon for new opportunities and trends.

Explore Our Full Range of Courses to deepen your expertise and accelerate your success in the digital reselling world.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Here’s to your success and the many digital adventures ahead!

May 17, 2024

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