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How to Become a Classroom Assistant in the UK?

Classroom assistants provide support to the teacher in a class. And they help students in their educational and social development. Moreover, modern classrooms can not function without the presence of a classroom assistant. Classroom assistants support and challenge pupils within the learning environment.  

A classroom assistant is considered a professional in education. Hence, a qualified and experienced classroom assistant is much sought after in the UK. So, if you are interested in having a career in the education field, a classroom assistant job might fit you. Now, you have to keep reading to find out how to become a classroom assistant in the UK.

What Qualifications do I Need to be a Classroom Assistant?

To become a classroom assistant, you do not need to get a university degree. Most employers make provision for on job training. However, some inherent qualities and other classroom assistant qualifications might also help you.

Educational Qualifications for Classroom Assistant

A classroom assistant must have a strong educational grounding. Most schools require classroom assistants to have a GCSE level of education. So, you will need a solid education.


Also, it would help if your grades range from 9 to 4 (A* to C) in English and Maths. Moreover, some TA positions will additionally need GCSE-level science education.

Literacy & Numeracy Skills

Having good scores in GCSEs are not going to cut it if your literacy and numeracy skills are below average. Both students and faculty have placed a greater focus on numeracy and literacy in recent years. Classroom assistants must be comfortable working with numbers.


It’s possible that you’ll have to take a test to verify your literacy and numeracy knowledge. Some schools, such as those in Wales, will also need proficiency in additional languages.


While certification is not imperative, it shows your career ambition to the employer. There are a variety of TA courses that you can take to demonstrate your ability and competency. 

You can take the Teaching Assistant Complete Course before starting work. This classroom assistant course focuses on autism training, practical classroom methodologies to support special educational needs students (SEN) etc. Completing TA certifications will also demonstrate that you can maintain a high level of professionalism. 

Teaching Assistant Complete Course
This Course is delivered through engaging, practical exercises and automated assessments.​
Teaching Assistant Complete Course
This Course is delivered through engaging, practical exercises and automated assessments.​

What are the Duties & Responsibilities of a Classroom Assistant?

Your duties and responsibilities as a classroom assistant will vary depending on your experience. Consequently, the nature of responsibilities will depend on what level of class you are a TA of. 


Some general classroom assistant duties include, but are not limited to:

1. Assist students in becoming autonomous learners by ensuring that they are able to engage in learning. And pay attention so that they stay on task during the class or activity.

2. Encourage student’s social and emotional development. It will be your duty to report any problems as needed. And you have to assist the teacher in managing challenging student behaviour. Consequently, you have to foster positive behaviour.

3. Pay attention to the students. Read to students as a class, a group, or one-on-one.

4. Monitor and record students’ progress and offer teachers with thorough and timely feedback.

5. You have to carry out administrative tasks, such as setting up the classroom and cleaning up after class, in order to ensure effective teaching.

6. Look after students who have been in accidents. Consequently, deliver first aid as needed. You have to take care of those students who require assistance dressing or who are distressed. 

7. Create materials for instructors and students. You can create art displays of students’ work in the classroom to make it fun and playful.

8. Providing assistance outside your regular classes. It includes duties such as assisting during examinations, filling TA absences. Sometimes, you might have to accompany students on field trips.

9. Extracurricular activities like breakfast and after-school clubs can be helped with. Moreover, you can assist and arrange homework groups, revision sessions, or playtime. Consequently, you might have to take care of lunchtime responsibilities.

8 Reasons You Should Become a Classroom Assistant

Make sure you’re serious about becoming a classroom assistant before studying how to do so. It is critical to have a job that is both gratifying and satisfying. If you wish to work in a fun setting, consider becoming a classroom assistant. A position as a teaching assistant might be one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable.


However, the work environment might be often unpleasant as a result of pressure from parents and co-workers. But, you will become a part of a student’s life as the school year continues. You will be able to observe them as they grow and learn. In the teaching profession, you can be a role model for thousands of pupils throughout the course of your career.

So, below are eight reasons why you should become a classroom assistant:

1. Classroom Assistant Opens Up Windows of Opportunities

After accumulating experience as a teaching assistant for a few years, you could change your position and tagline. Consequently, you might work your way up the educational ladder. Additionally, you have the option of becoming a primary or secondary school teacher. 

If working with children who have exceptional needs appeals to you, go for it. You may even take a few certification courses and become a specialist in a certain area to teach in a school setting.

Once you get enough expertise and talents in this field, the world can become your oyster. With enough knowledge and experience under your belt, you can become a full-time trained teacher. With more experience, you could specialise in reading, numeracy, or special education.

If you are multilingual, you could specialise in working with children who do not speak English as their first language. More importantly, if teaching is your actual calling, you have to go for it.

2. No Two Days are Same for Classroom Assistant

A typical day as a teaching assistant will be substantially different from the one before it. There will be no dull days. You may notice that as you teach the children, your horizon of knowledge widens as well. The tiny humans will always end up teaching you something. In addition, they can have a significant impact on your life. 


TA’s spend more time with students and have more casual contact with them. It results in a better bond. This link has the potential to be beneficial in the classroom.

Your day will constantly be full of new surprises. 

And there will be problems that you will overcome with the help of the children. For example, do you get bored easily and are always looking for something new and exciting? Then you’re on the correct track. Because the word “boredom” does not appear in the definition of this profession.

3. As Classroom Assistant You Can Help SEN Students

There is an effort underway to include students with special educational needs and disabilities in traditional schools. TA’s have grown in importance in assisting classroom teachers with a wide range of student needs. SEN is an abbreviation for Special Education Needs.


Moreover, one of the most in-demand jobs in the UK is that of a classroom assistant. UK schools serve over 1.2 million students with special education needs. For example, autistic students, students with hearing impairments, and students with speech and language disorders. Furthermore, students with other disabilities may require special education.

As an SEN classroom assistant, you will assist and guide children in living happy and independent lives. Children with SEN have a distinct method of assessing learning modules. Their determination may occasionally challenge your expectations and serve as a wake-up call for you.

To assist students with learning disabilities, you may need to train in unique communication methods such as British Sign Language or Makaton. Remember, the more education you have under your hat, the higher your salary!

4. You can Do Your Part for the Society

You are effectively giving back to society as a classroom assistant through teaching. Remember that at some point, someone took the time to teach you. You now have the opportunity to do the same for future generations. 

This is a broad argument that applies to all teaching duties. It may include internships or full-time teaching. Teachers are the pillars that hold society together. As a TA, you have the opportunity to instil positive values in the youngsters. You can teach children to be responsible members of society. 

Furthermore, substantial input from students serves as powerful reinforcement for a TA. You can use the feedback to help you improve personally and professionally, as well as learn new skills. You play an important role in bringing celebrations to life as a classroom assistant. Not only that, but you meaningfully bring the entire student body together.

5. You can Work for Improving the Quality of Education

In the headteacher’s absence, you may be required to assume charge of the classroom as an assistant. And now is your chance to shine! You can improve the pedagogy based on the needs of the pupils with whom you work. 


Consequently, you can use fresh approaches or learning strategies to get the most out of your students. Furthermore, you can improve the educational system’s quality.

6. Working Hours are Flexible for Classroom Assistant

One of the reasons people want to learn how to become a classroom assistant is the ability to work flexible hours. Teachers in the United Kingdom typically work 19-30 hours per week. And it depends on the level of class you’re teaching.

Furthermore, excluding holidays, a typical school year lasts around 180-200 days. And that means you will have plenty of time to relax! During summer vacation, you can even take an extended vacation with your loved ones.

Also, you can work part-time as a teaching assistant in a daycare or elementary school. It will be beneficial if you are looking for work experience. However, if you have too much on your plate to commit to full-time work, part-time jobs are ideal.

You may, however, have additional responsibilities to attend to. During the term, you might be required to bring your work home with you. Consequently, on some weekdays, you may be required to stay after school to assist students with club activities—for example, breakfast club, science club, music club, and so on.

Also, you will need to devote time to any special school events. But, some employers offer contractual work. So, you may be relieved of extra responsibilities outside of the classroom in contractual positions.

7. Become an Expert on Time Management

Do you sometimes feel difficulties keeping track of time? Do you find it difficult to complete assigned tasks on time due to procrastination or an unorganised daily schedule? Then working as a classroom assistant could help you get started in the right direction!

The life of a classroom assistant is regimented and punctual. It obligates you to properly balance your work and personal lives for maximum efficiency and outcome. The tasks assigned to a teaching assistant must be completed as soon as possible. 

As a result, you cannot simply postpone assignments and pile up work. Thus, you will be making good use of your time in this job.

8. The Profession of Teaching is Impactful

What motivates you to become a classroom assistant? The conventional response is that this profession can make a significant difference in the lives of children. While the response may appear generic, it is a fairly solid remark! 


Do you support the cause of providing equal access to educational opportunities for all children, regardless of their economic or social background? Then a position as a classroom assistant is ideal for you.

There are children in many schools who have difficult family lives. Therefore, children may be facing personal problems or low self-esteem. And teachers have an important role in supporting these students in overcoming their difficulties.

However, teachers frequently have an entire class to focus on all of the time.

It means teachers won’t be able to devote as much time to each child who requires special care. As a classroom assistant, you could do this. Individual students can be given the extra time and feedback they require to boost their morale. You can also make them feel respected and secure.

Check out our blog on 10 great reasons to become a teaching assistant in 2023.

How to Become a Classroom Assistant in the UK?

So, how to become a classroom assistant in the UK? While you do not need a degree, you definitely need to possess a unique set of skills. As we have already discussed, a strong education background is a prerequisite. Consequently, there are some other steps you can follow to get to the job.

Before we take you through the steps of becoming a classroom assistant in the UK, we will love to help you with the overall step from first to last. 

Community Service & Volunteer Work

Volunteering and community service on your resume will earn you extra points! So, you should sign up to volunteer at your local school for summer holiday events and school trips. Consequently, you can join in as a volunteer in after school activities. Also, inquire local schools if you can help with special school events.


Teachers appreciate whatever help they can get. And when the time is right to apply for a teaching assistant position, you’ll be able to draw on that relationship. You can also assist with community activities and athletic facilities. It includes sports teams and dancing schools in your area. 

Consequently, visit the community hall to learn what events are offered throughout the week and on weekends. Contact the coaches at these locations to offer your services to a larger group of children. Moreover, you can volunteer as an aid at your local library as well. 

Sign up for any unique reading events that are taking place in your area! Many of the skills needed to be a teaching assistant can be gained quickly by volunteering at the local library.

Provide Online Coaching or Private Tuition Service

Many students tutor younger children on the side to supplement their income. While in high school, you can even give private lessons to other students. Do you have a strong interest in this field? You can then get a head start by tutoring students online or in person.


In addition, helping local families who are struggling to educate their children at home for free will look great on your resume. Consequently, video lessons can also be made. Create easy-to-follow instructions for the kids. And then, you can post them on your educational blog or YouTube channel. It will give you a significant advantage when applying for jobs.

Your employee will be impressed by how you used social media to educate children in a novel way. Consequently, it will offer you an advantage in claiming the classroom assistant slot. 

Alternatively, take it a step further and give assistance via video conversations to the families. You can even give the youngsters a full-fledged classroom instruction. Subsequently, you’ll be able to refer to it again in the future.

Update Your Resume

The educational requirements for this profession are somewhat lax. As a result, you might get the impression that you have room to relax. But that is actually a far cry from reality! 


The teaching profession’s job market is fiercely competitive. And at times, it is really difficult. Thus, always keep your CV on hand if you want to stand out in front of your employer. Make your professional profile stand out as much as possible so that it will oblige the employer to call your cell phone.

Take Up an Apprenticeship

How do you go about becoming a classroom assistant? The solution is straightforward. Apply to be an apprentice! Even if you are still studying for your GCSEs or A levels, you can become an apprentice at the age of 16. Consequently, you can be an apprentice at any other equivalent educational level, such as a diploma or bachelor’s degree.


You will work with experienced teachers as a classroom assistant trainee. At a young age, you will develop job-specific talents. Furthermore, an apprenticeship does not require any prior work experience. 

You will receive on-the-job training as an apprentice. And you will further have adequate resources to prepare for a long-term career in teaching. A teaching apprenticeship might last anywhere from one to five years. It is dependent on the level of training you wish to accomplish.

Getting a DBS Check

To become a classroom assistant, you must first understand what a DBS check is. Before your employer gives you the go-ahead to start working, a DBS check will be performed. The Disclosure and Barring Service is in charge of this. They check to see if a specific person has a criminal past.

The DBS check happens before you start working with vulnerable age groups. The age group includes children and the elderly. You must pass the background check to start working. You will be subjected to a background check by either your school or your employer. 

Consequently, you may be asked to show proof of police clearance. If your documentation is in order, you can begin working immediately.

Keep a Lookout for Jobs

Have you obtained all of the necessary credentials and certifications? Then it’s time to embark on a job-hunting mission to those job-posting websites. Begin looking for the ideal teaching assistant position that matches your qualifications. But first, let’s talk about the kind of institutions where you might be able to get work!


You could work as a classroom assistant in primary schools, academies, or nurseries. Consequently, you can look for work in Independent schools or special schools. Moreover, secondary schools, elementary schools, and daycare facilities are all excellent options.

You can find relevant job openings on institutional websites. So, keep a lookout at the websites of the institutions you’re interested in. New job openings are occasionally advertised on the websites of educational institutions and local government authorities.

Consequently, a broader school search can be conducted using Google. It will provide a list of ads used by schools to recruit teaching assistants. Advertising websites may include Reed, Total Jobs, and Indeed. When you see a job opening, make sure to read through the job description thoroughly.

Consequently, download the application form and any other material provided by the advertiser. Moreover, you can look into the school that is being advertised. The school’s web page may be found with a quick Google search. The website provides information about the school’s history, current condition, and future aspirations.

If you’re asked for an interview, consider these informations thoroughly. And you have to prepare particular statements and questions. It will assist you in maintaining a positive outlook on them.

Also, you can look into the following websites for career advice and job postings:

Salary of a Classroom Assistant

For full-time, permanent TA’s, the typical starting wage is roughly £14,000. With more responsibility and experience, you can expect to earn £19,000 to £22,000. Level 3 teaching assistants can earn up to £28,000 per year. And higher-level teaching assistants with extra specialisations or SEN responsibilities can make more than that.

Consequently, the majority of schools adhere to local government compensation recommendations for classroom assistants. However, it is not an absolute norm. The Department for Education in the United Kingdom does not set the pay scale for TA’s on a national level.

As a result, your payments may vary based on the type of employer. Due to different financial cuts, state-funded schools frequently pay a lower wage. Many private schools, on the other hand, may pay a generous annual income. Additionally, keep a lookout for additional employee advantages when working at a private school!

In essence, your pay as a classroom assistant will be determined by your function. Moreover, the nature of your job responsibilities and educational setting has to be factored in. The income may be better if you work for an educational recruiting firm. Because many of them are seeking people with experience and qualifications.

Need for Classroom Assistants in the Education Industry

Classroom assistants gain a better understanding of the lives of the children and teach them how to be on their best behavior. As a TA, you will help educational institutes achieve their purpose of truly educating youngsters.


Classroom assistants also serve an important role in fostering healthy and purposeful interactions among children and parents. Children learn to confide in teachers and other school personnel. 

Moreover, teachers make certain that youngsters get the most out of the educational plan that has been created for them. They also recognise that not all youngsters comprehend at the same level. Classroom assistants are the lynchpin that is holding the education system together.

Teaching Assistant Complete Course
This Course is delivered through engaging, practical exercises and automated assessments.​
Teaching Assistant Complete Course
This Course is delivered through engaging, practical exercises and automated assessments.​


A classroom assistant seeks to meet the individual needs of each kid. Therefore, teaching assistants play an important role in the classroom.

You can become a classroom assistant if you wish to share your knowledge and abilities with students so that it helps students to grow and learn. It will assist pupils in becoming active participants in today’s global society.

June 3, 2024

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